Simple Ways to De-Stress During the Holidays

The festive season can be the most exciting and joyous part of the year, but it can be the most taxing too! Not to be a modern day Scrooge, but just think of all the things that could be preventing you from fully enjoying the most awaited part of the year: long airport queues and traffic jams, overbooked restaurants, last-minute shopping runs and crowded malls.
While the holiday season is already in full swing, it's never too late to take a short break from the rush and flurry of the season. We bring you a list of simple tips on how to combat stress during the holidays!
1. Plan your vacations early
Checking flights and traveling earlier might earn you extra savings and more time spent with family. Always remember to check your trusted airlines for the best deals.
2. Book your hotel rooms in advance
Most luxury hotel properties in Makati City offer special holiday room packages and treats for those visiting during the Christmas season.
3. Avoid crowded malls and long lines
Online shopping is definitely the way to go! Choose the perfect presents for loved ones in the comfort of your own home. Most establishments offer excellent gift guides, so you'll have nothing to worry about!
4. Get a luxurious spa treatment
Stay calm and relaxed all season long and book an appointment for yourself and enjoy moments of pure tranquility and bliss.
5. Think positive
In the end, Christmas is a joyful season filled with love and cheer. Any negative thought or feeling can easily be driven away by images of celebrating the holidays with family and friends. Focus on the joys of the season and everything that makes it so special!