Applying Color Theory for Your Event Theme

Colors give life and add meaning to our lives, more so when we need to make an impact during a corporate event. It is important to make the right impression that will remain in the minds of our attendees. An event organizer needs to synergize lighting, audio visual system, décor and motif to their best possible impact to create harmony throughout the event. It starts with the most important detail; color.
Deciding on what colors to choose
Red is used when you want to create a sense of excitement. It can also express power and love, so keep in mind the use of the color red and be precise which expression you want to create in combination with your overall theme.
Blue primarily signifies a sense of intelligence, loyalty and command. So if you want to impart or are branding your company in a new product launch to build a loyal following of consumers, this is a good color to use. There are many shades of blue that can be used in an event, but the deeper the color the more somber it is.
Green on the other hand signifies nature, health, a new beginning, a sense of growth and optimism, caring for the environment as well as regeneration. This is a good color to use if you are in the health or beauty related industry. The color combinations tied in with the décor of your setup in the event will make this an outstanding theme.
Yellow is used to express sheer joy and celebration, energy and warmth. Knowing how to use the color yellow in your event theme is important as well as which shade of yellow to use. Lighting has to be considered as yellow tends to be lost if lighting is too strong in the venue of your event.
Purple is for those who are daring, spiritual, mystical, alluring, and wealth. Not many people or events use the color purple unless they are in the entertainment industry. However if you feel that you want to create an impression of the above qualities during your event, this is an interesting color to consider.
Orange can be used if you want to portray confidence of competition, potency, a driving force and energy. It is a very vibrant color to use and to make it more interesting, it can be used with a combination of black and white to make it truly outstanding and authoritative.
Black and white should be used sparingly unless it is a night event that has a party atmosphere with lots of bright and colorful lighting. Adding shimmering and tinsel effects are a good combination as it will stand out against dark backgrounds and white is a good light reflector.
Choosing the right color motif for an event means that you, first of all, have to be all ears with the requirements of your client.You have to know in-depth about the company by taking into consideration to know what they find is important in order to be able to advise and select the right theme and color.